Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jayi Kemp's Photo Journalism

I Hope You Like The New Page

Jayi Kemp's Photo Journalism
Written By: Jayi Kemp


When I decided to pursue my dream in life (photo journalism) it came at a huge cost, I left my job, my children, and family all behind me in Toledo, Ohio because I knew my life had a greater calling on it then what I was settling for.

It wasn't an easy decision to leave my children with their mother and my family but I seen it as a necessary pain that I would have to endure through in order to provide for them in a more effective way later in life.

So after a huge fair well party where everyone I love sent me off to Columbus in a grand way, I moved into a 1 bedroom apartment on High st. just south of the OSU campus in a run down building that is no longer um ... livable

And that is where I realize that digital photography was not my calling in life, but part of what I needed to find my calling in life. 

An know that I know what my calling in life is to be, I decided to make it official with my newest Facebook profile page, so without further ado allow me to introduce to you Jayi Kemp the facebook page, this page will track my journey into photo journalism, I will develop, enhance, and mature myself into a photo journalist and I will start my quest on Facebook, so please click the link below and support the movement if you choose to do so, all the likes really do mean something to me, until the next posting, peace & grace ...

Jayi Kemp

Click the link below, and thank you for your support

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