Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Let’s Form A Parentship (Gender Role)!

Let’s Form A Parentship (Gender Role)!

Fatherhood is a blessing, I love my children and for the most part I think they can tolerate me,
but what I am finding challenging to deal with as a parent is how to be an effective parent when dealing with  opposition from the other parent. My children’s mother and I both wants what is best for our girls, but at times we openly disagree with each other’s tactics and become downright critical of the other persons parenting skills.

Jayi Kemp
At times we are able to see the bigger picture and compromise on the verbal assault that could lash out so that we can take care of business, but parenting is an ongoing situation and an argument on parenting seems to always be around the corner, whatever happen to parents being diverse but able to work together for 1 common goal. Example, look at Claire and Heticliff Huxable, sure they were fictional characters on a TV show, but they were excellent examples (in my opinion) of what a parentship should and could be if parents stop trying to be a jack of all trades and more so just master certain skills, I am convinced parenting as a couple or just friends would become easier!

Wouldn’t that be funny, just think of the scenarios, what if a women took pride in her kitchen and seen that as her sanctuary and enjoyed cooking for her family, I am not saying she has to cook every night, but imagine a women who didn’t think she was being domesticated or that cooking was beneath her to do so. And what about if a man decided to put emphasis on education and believe in a clean house and catering to his ladies desires, wouldn’t that be something, for that man to look like and feel like a man would be extraordinary, but with people’s perceptions of each other being so negative, I am not sure if that is an actual possibility.

I think everyone has something to bring to the table, and that parenting is nowhere as challenging as people make it, but until people are able to see this picture, we will always have people emasculating each other, because they cannot identify with their gender role!

1 comment:

  1. Parenting for me is very challenging and also rewarding. Seeing my children become a good, loving and respectful individual gives me joy.

    effective parenting
