Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is justice really ever served?

Crime and Punishment
Is justice really ever served?
Written By: Jayi Kemp

Have you ever heard of the saying; “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”, well in today’s society that saying as far the US is concern has been alter to “an eye for 2 – 5, and tooth for $500.” Meaning, that if I was to rip your eye ball from your eye- socket, with the help of the right legal team I might see maybe 2 – 5 if anything at all, and what about a tooth? Well in our modern society we tend to refer to that as a civil suit, not criminal, but civil suit!

If I have not painted the picture clear enough for you yet, well then let me make it transparent; our judicial system has its hard stances on certain issues, and then it has its softer stance on other issues.  But my issue on crime and punishment is this; is justice really ever served?

How does one come up with an appropriate punishment for taking the life of another, how can a judge hand a sentence of 5 – 10 for a man or women violating a child and forcing them to partake in sexual acts? How is it really possible to go by guidelines on first offenses when the severity of the crime merits a harsher punishment, and how in the world can we still incarcerate people for “natural life” for non- violent drug offenses?

The sentencing of Anferney Fontenet may have brought these questions to my mind, but still they are there. Whatever happen to crime and punishment in our nation, and why has there not been more light shed on this matter. Incarceration is good, I am all for it, if you do the crime then you should do the time, but there are some crimes that are not as easy to deal with, and when you have a young men taking advantage of a MRDD in the middle of a neighborhood I am not exactly sure how you determine length of time, but speaking from a strickly statiscial stand point, are not rapist usually repeated offenders?

And if that is the case, is justice really served?

For More on the Anferney Fontenet Article Please Click The Link below:

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